Sunday, May 31, 2020

In Cold Blood Retaining the Readers Interest through Suspense and Tension - Literature Essay Samples

In modern literature, suspense and tension are almost essential in producing works that are both successful and interesting to the reader. These two aspects of literature are especially important in Truman Capotes novel, In Cold Blood, which delineates the story of how a mere robbery attempt concludes in the death of four well-respected and affable family members. Although the reader is cognizant of various outcomes in the story beforehand, Capote effectively retains the readers interest through suspense and tension. Capote particularly engenders this suspense and tension by shifting between simultaneous events, waiting to disclose the details of the murder, and suggesting fallacies in Americas judicial system. Suspense proves to be an essential aspect to this novel, particularly in the way in which it proves to be a new plot mechanism. For example, one way Capote introduces suspense is through the short segments within each chapter. He constantly switches back and forth between Dic k and Perry and the people in Holcomb, leaving the reader longing to discover what happens on both perspectives of the story. More importantly, he ends many of the segments with surprising and suspenseful actions and thoughts. For example, when Nancy broaches her suspicions about the smell of cigarette smoke, Capote cunningly ends with this thought: Before she could ask if this was really what Nancy meant, Nancy cut her off: Sorry, Susie. Ive got to go. Mrs. Katz is here' (22). This ending leaves the reader wondering whether Mr. Clutter, who possesses a strong aversion toward such matters, would actually take part in smoking. This suspected, sudden change in the daily habits of the family allows Capote to stir up a suspenseful atmosphere in the readers mind because these details seem to foreshadow the murder. In addition, Capote amplifies the suspense by ending the section on this note, leaving the reader at a climactic point. Furthermore, as Capote switches back to the murderers, h e describes their preparations in a casual manner. The tensions thus increases as the reader becomes upset at the lack of morals of the murderers and the total obliviousness of the Clutter family toward the upcoming events. The constant switching also serves another purpose by bringing the reader into the actual story as he or she tries to keep up with simultaneous events as they occur. Furthermore, Capote presents many of the unfolding events through the testimonies of various citizens, which gives more credibility to the story. In addition to the timely shifts in the novel, Capote engenders suspense by waiting to disclose various details of the story, most importantly of the actual murders. Capote chooses to stop the description of the score just as the murderers approach the house: Dick doused the headlights, slowed down, and stopped until his eyes were adjusted to the moon-illuminated night. Presently, the car crept forward (57). After this passage, Capote skips straight to the discovery of the dead victims. Capote utilizes this very effective tactic of skipping ahead in order to build suspense. He surprises the reader and leaves him or her with the desire to continue in order to unearth the facts and details of that hideous night. In addition to building suspense, this method again places the reader in the eyes of the bemused Holcomb citizens, as they are equally clueless on the details surrounding the murders. Similarly, Capote does not explicitly introduce the murder plot: Still no sign of Dick. But he was sure to show up; after all, the purpose of their meeting was Dicks idea, his score' (14). Referring to the murder plot as the score serves various purposes. First, this reference adds to the suspenseful ambience because the reader cannot decipher its exact meaning; he or she can only construe that the term refers in some manner to the murder. Secondly, it puts the reader in the eyes and thoughts of Perry because he too appears incognizant of the actua l plan before meeting Dick. Finally, during the period between the meeting and the murders, Capote adheres to using the reference score so that he may keep any motives and details mysterious and suspenseful. Again, Capote masterfully puts the reader into the eyes of the curious Holcomb citizens because neither the reader nor the citizens become aware of the motive until much later in the novel. In addition to using suspense as an efficacious tool in retaining the readers interest, Capote also brings into play an aspect of tension during the court trials and psychiatric evaluations. Capote commences to impose his own thoughts and beliefs into the story during the court trials. He lucidly demonstrates his condemnation of the MNaghten Rule due to its tight strictures and inflexibility: But had Dr. Jones been permitted to discourse on the cause of his indecision, he would have testified: Perry Smith shows definite signs of severe mental illness' (296). By including the statements of Dr . Jones, if he would have been allowed to speak further, Capote evinces his concern and frustration over the utilization of the death penalty when dealing with the insane. A one word response to a question dealing with whether or not a person is insane is, of course, hardly sufficient to convey the full scope of the evaluation, especially if the subjects life depends on this evaluation. Capote also probes the inner mind of Perry Smith during his incarceration: Eventually he wondered if perhaps he had invented them (a notion that he might not be normal, maybe insane had troubled him even when I was little, and my sisters laughed because I liked moonlight. To hide in the shadows and watch the moon) (265). This passage creates tension and the readers mind vacillates on whether or not Perry experienced schizophrenia. Moreover, by including this passage, Capote foments a feeling of sympathy for the murderer. Throughout the beginning of the novel, the reader feels animosity towards Perry, but as Capote discloses these new details, the reader begins to reevaluate his or her previous convictions. Thus, Capote again allows the reader to see things through Perrys perspective. Once more, tension arises from a sudden shift in the mindset of the reader. Nonetheless, Capote leaves the reader with an ambiguous ending. Only the reader can decide whether Perry could acknowledge his actions as wrong on that horrific night or if the emotional and physical scars created by Perrys childhood drove him insane. Thus, because Capote effectively uses tools of suspense and tension, he retains the readers interest throughout the entire novel. The simultaneous shifting between events, delaying of crucial facts and details till later in the story, and the questioning of the courts laws on cases dealing with the insane and the death penalty are only some of the mechanisms Capote utilizes to conceive an extremely powerful and intriguing novel.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Description Of Spring, By The Knight, The Parson, And...

The description of spring, where the General Prologue begins, is long and formal compared to the dialectal of the rest of the Prologue. The first lines place the story in a specific time and place, but the speaker does this in cosmic and repeated terms, praising the energy and fruitfulness of spring. This method gives the opening lines a dreamy, unending, blurred quality, and it is surprising when the narrator tells that he is going to describe a pilgrimage that he took rather than telling a love story. In the General Prologue, there are characters that are introduced with regard to Christianity and to the Church. These icons of religion represent the corruption of the church, for the Summoner summons people on a subjective basis, while the Pardoner sells fake relics. Chaucer establishes an idea of Christianity expressed in the knight, the parson, and the plowman. The Knight has battled in crusades the world over, and comes closer than any of the other characters to personifying the principles of his calling. But even in his case, the narrator implies a small separation between the knight and His role: the Knight doesn’t merely demonstrate chivalry, truth, honor, freedom, and courtesy; he treats it as though he loves them. His qualities are due to his self-conscious search of clearly considered principles. Additionally, the Knight’s conduct is noteworthy. Not only is he a worthy warrior, he is sensible in the image of himself that he projects. His appearance is strategic toShow MoreRelatedThe Portrait of Medieval Social Classes as Presented in the General Prologue to Geoffrey Chaucer’s the Canterbury Tales4628 Words   |  19 Pagesthe Knight, the Parson and the Plowman. Women were often treated as an estate to themselves. The basic tripartite division of society, for instance, is reflected in Chaucer’s making his Knight, Parson and Plowman the three ideal characters on the pilgrimage- along with the Clerk to stand for those who learn and teach. However, I have to admit that this division is not so obvious, which I explained below. ‘Chaucer starts the introduction of pilgrims with the highest-ranking layman, the Knight, withRead MoreQuestions Macbeth Essay3342 Words   |  14 Pagesdescribed in the opening passage of The Canterbury Tales is spring. According to the narrator, when the season comes the people long to go on pilgrammages. 2) English people want to go down to Canterbury to seek the holy martyr, St. Thomas a Becket. 3) The narrator claims he meets some twenty nine pilgrims. 4) The Knight has fought in Alexandria, Prussia, Lithuania, Granada, North Africa, and Anatolia. 5) If the Knight beats his opponents in the tournament ring, he kills them. Read MoreSub--Chaucer art of characterization as found in prologue of Canterbury by marufa sultana.2939 Words   |  12 PagesChaucer begins the Prologue with a beautiful announcement of spring. This introduction is the voice of the Poet, polished, elegant, and finished. He tells us that just as Nature has a predictable course through the seasons, so does human nature follow a seasonal pattern, which causes people to want to break out of winters confinement and go traveling in the spring. Thus the stage is set for Chaucer, who is the Narrator of this poem. Twenty-nine travelers meet at the Tabard Inn in London beforeRead More How Does Chaucer Present The Miller To Become Such A Vivid And Vibrant2577 Words   |  11 PagesHow Does Chaucer Present The Miller To Become Such A Vivid And Vibrant Character? ‘The Canterbury Tales’ is a selection of stories written in Middle English. On a spring day in April sometime in the 14th century 29 pilgrims (including Chaucer as a character 30) set out for Canterbury on a pilgrimage. Among them is a knight, a monk, a prioress, two nun’s, the friar, the squire, the yeoman, the merchant, a clerk, a sergeant of the law, a wealthy landowner, a doctor, the wife of Bath, a supplierRead MoreFigurative Language and the Canterbury Tales13472 Words   |  54 Pagesbut containing no ending rhyme. Lines of verse contain forms closest to that of natural speaking, yet are flexible and adaptive. 14. characterization principles: characters should be 1) consistent in their behaviors, 2)their words and actions should spring from motivations the reader can understand, and 3) plausible and lifelike 15. cinquain: a five line stanza 16. conceit: in literature, fanciful or unusual image in which apparently dissimilar things are shown to have a relationship. The device was

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Metropolis, by Fritz Lang and Frankenstein, by Mary...

The idea of progress being inspired by the past is revisited in Fritz Langs 1927 film Metropolis. Though the films titular city is a gleaming landscape of technological advancement it is through the hands of the arcane inventor Rotwang that the films most stunning creation comes into being. Like Frankenstein revisiting â€Å"outdated† natural philosphers for his inspiration, Joh Frederson, the figurehead of Metropolis and the man to whom technology means the most, turns to the aged inventor in hopes of pushing technology even further. The visit to Rotwang is like a visit to the past: his house is the only edifice we see that is in no way modern (in fact it has such a clapboard appearance when held against the rest of Metropolis that ir†¦show more content†¦When held up to the monster in Shelleys novel, Rotwangs creation serves as an indication of how far the technology in Metropolis has come. Though the basic premise of the two scenarios is the same, namely the cobbling together of a being and its homuncular bringing to life, Rotwangs creation is a much colder affair. Whereas Frankenstein built his monster from human remains, dabbling â€Å"among the unhallowed damps of the grave† and collecting â€Å"bones from charnel-houses† (Shelley, p. 62), Rotwangs creation is made entirely of cold metal, it is a being of bronze and bolts. There is no room in Langs vision of technology gone awry for even the barest hint of human involvement. Everything is cold, mechanical, and calculated. Even the workers, the lowest citizens on the societal totem and the only human contact the machinery necessitates is at risk of being forced from their jobs by Rotwangs metallic creation. If technology and progress are expressed by a metaphysical quandary in Shelleys novel then in Langs film it is entirely mechanical. Humanity comes second to the technology that allows

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

21st Century Leadership-Literature Review-Samples for Students

Question: Write a Literature Review on 21st Century Leadership. Answer: Introduction Leadership refers to the art of co-coordinating and guiding people in such a way that the whole organization achieves competence along with the fulfillment of the personal objective of employees as well. There have been many role, practices, and theories defined with respect to leadership process, but it shall be noted that leadership is the quality of a manager which they inherit in their attitude and help others to achieve their targets. According to Antonakis, and Day (2017) 21st century leadership is the approach initiated by the companies currently prevailing in the market. It refers to the skills with the help of which the manager inspire other to modify their thoughts and actions in such a way that vision of the company is achieved. This type of leadership provides a better understanding of the task in the company and it also aligns the interest of all the level of management at the same time. Working with all people and making no person depressed is the main objective of this type of leadership. Further Arroliga et. al., (2014) states that the manager of the 21st century should be capable enough to analyze the expertise present with them and organize them accordingly so as to achieve success in the global environment. Further, the literature review provides a brief overview of the predicted key competencies of the 21st century leader, how they are distinct from classical leadership, and the underlying cause of such changes in leadership activities. Further details about the task are discussed below. Predicted key competencies for 21st century leaders Talking about the earlier times, it shall be noted that not much of the businesses were confronted with the major problem and also there were also not many problems attracted by businesses in the global market. Resulting to which companies and managers did not require enough efficiency to manage the activities of the business (Melcher, et. al., 2017). But with the emerging time, business, people, resources and the market features also became complex due to which the leaders became competent to handle the situations efficiently. There are many competencies required in a 21st century leader so as to lead effectively which are discussed below: Visionary and strategic leader: He is the one who knows the way, shows the ways and goes the way. If the leader of the organization is visionary, which means he believes in creating objective for the organization and strongly upholding them so as to maximize the level of profits for the company. The vision of the company helps the management to build a path which they shall follow and achieve the goals defined by the organization. Without adequate vision, no organization can achieve growth and succeed in the target market. Vision gives the parameter to the organization on the basis of which they can compare their activities and attain leadership in the target market. Apart from being a visionary, the leader also needs to strategically capable to implement the vision and achieve them. Vision can only be achieved in the organization through strategies and their implementation. Thus, it is one of the most important competencies of a 21st century leader (O'Connell 2014). Good Communicator: communication is the key to a successful business in the global environment as it enhances the understanding between two people in the organization and thus enhances the work as well. There is numerous benefit of good communication in the workplace environment. Without communication, the leader of the organization will not be able to understand the issues of the employee nor will the team understand or co-operate with the leader in the organization. Thus, in order to initiate smooth flow of work, Norris (2017) states that the leader needs to initiate effective communication in the organization. Talking about the 21st century leader, he needs to be competent enough to understand the issues of the employees and resolve in such a manner that all the levels of management from top to bottom are satisfied. Further, the leader is the one with the help of which communication becomes efficient in the organization (Antonakis, and Day 2017). Proficient in technical and professional skills: in an organization, all the people seek advice from the leader before implementing any plan. The leader is the one person who develops a plan and initiates activities accordingly so as to gain the defined targets. Further, it shall be noted that in order to develop an action plan and implement them with their activities, a leader needs to have adequate knowledge and understanding of their work and duties. They can only fulfill their work if they have the technical and professional skills to carry out a plan innovatively (Stanley 2016). In this fast running world, people who do not use the updated and efficient technology are left behind, resulting to which it is important for the leader to use technical skills in the completion of the tasks. Informal relationships in the organization harm the professional working environment of the organization. With such environment the workers become lethargic and do not feel like working, thus it is the duty of the leader to develop professional environment so that more productivity is enhanced in the organization (Gibson 2017). Problem Solver: Organizations daily faces problem during their course of action, and if these problems are not resolved efficiently then they will arise again. Thus, the leader of the organization is the one who aims to solve all the problems related to workplace issues. The leader shall aim to solve the problems effectively so that the workings of the organization do not get stuck in the same issue again and again (Landy, and Conte 2016). Thus, effective problem solving techniques is one of the core competencies of the 21st century leader. Manage to the diversified workforce: Talking about the earlier times, it shall be noted that at that time business were small and the workforce also had limited scope of expansion due to which it was easy for the management to manage the workforce activities. But with the expanding businesses, the workplace management activities have also increased with the increase in workforce. In accordance to which the manager also need to implement authoritative human resource activities to manage them. Further nowadays more skills and competencies are present in human resource which the manager needs to fully utilize in order to gain profits for the organization (Martin, et. al., 2017). Thus in order to analyze and develop such competencies in human resource and make use of the efficiencies the manager needs to develop skills to manage diversified human resource. Apart from that large scale business also hire expatriate, so the leader need to strongly upload to cross-cultural training process s o that aim is achieved. Embracing innovation: In this competitive world in order to gain the competitive advantage, the leader needs to use their techniques in an innovative manner so as to differentiate from the crowd. In the competitive world, it is the need of every business to initiate their activities and present them in the global market in such a way that they easily gain the competitive edge and differentiate themselves in the global market. Innovation is the tool which shall be used with proper information, as it is a risky tool and create destructions as well. Thus, according to Harrison, (2017), the manager shall be competent enough to make use of the innovation and bring positive outcomes for the organization. Maintaining ethical responsibility: Being a leader of the 21st century, it is their duty and utmost responsibility to initiate activities for the betterment of the environment along with their business. So, for that, the leaders initiate activities in their organization so that their corporate social responsibilities are also fulfilled. The objective of organizational leaders is to work together and grow together as well. Theories to consider under contemporary approach of leadership Attribution theory: this theory suggests that the leaders judgment about their team members is highly influenced by their attribution of cause of the employees. The model explains two facets that are, attribution of leader and their reaction on the meager performance by subordinates; and the attribution of the observer and their reaction on the poor performance by the leader. Charismatic leadership: Weber states that charismatic leader is the one who states the missions and goals in accordance with the personal interest of the team members as well. This type of leadership explained by Dreachslin et. al., (2017) states that the trust of the followers on their leader; they believe that their leader has extraordinary qualities in the guidance of which they achieve their targets in the business process. Transactional leadership: Such leaders maintain a formal relationship with their team members. The leader-follower relationship helps the organization to easily achieve their targets. As this type of leadership punishes the employees on mistakes and use a strict code of conduct with offering reward as well due to which non-performance and non-compliance are properly market and focused. Transactional leadership is usually influential because it is regarded as the best interest of the team members to what the leader asks for (Crossan, et. al., 2017). Transformation leadership: this type of theory leads the employees of the company by aligning their personal goals with the goals of the organization. This will help the organization to achieve collective success. Also due to this type of leadership the employees morale boost up as they aim to achieve their personal target due to which goals of the organization is also achieved. There are four tools used by the transformational leader which are charisma, individuality, inspirational motivation and intellectual stimulation (Nawaz, and Khan 2016). Similarities and differences with classical leadership capabilities The meaning of leadership and its outcomes will never change, change will occur only in the process of leadership that is in their approaches. So, the fact shall be noted is that only the process to apply leadership in the organization changes not the objective for initiation changes. As mentioned above with the emerging environment, it becomes the need of the leader to implement their activities sustainably in complex conditions also. 21st century leadership explains that the leader shall look after the interest of employees and the organization as well and then implement plans innovatively so as to achieve the target (Hays et al., 2012). Further, the theories related to this concept are discussed below: Trait Theories: this theory is similar to the Great Man theories of leadership. This type of theory believes that the leaders are born with some similar general traits inherited in them which help them initiating the leadership activities in the business or personal life. The theory states that the entire well-known leaders possess the same type of traits in their nature (Kourdi and Bibb 2007). These are those traits which differentiate a leader from rest of the crowd in the world. Further, some these traits are : Positive energy confidence honesty and integrity good communication skills Charisma creativity Motivator skilled and qualified Behavioral Theories: This approach of leadership states that the leadership signs which a leader possesses are not the characteristics or their traits, instead it is their behavior. Further, according to Nahavandi, (2016) it shall be said that strong leadership is an outcome of effective behavior. Basically, according to this approach, the leader uses three main skills to lead their team which are human, technical and conceptual. Human refers to the skills and abilities involved which helps the leader to interact and share their views, further technical refers to the knowledge of the leader towards the work and their technical abilities as well; lastly conceptual refers to the idea and strategies of the leader which helps them to create and implement plans and actions. This approach of leadership states that is the behavior of the leader will help them to accomplish their goals whereas vice versa would discard them from the market. According to Isaccon (2012) Determination, effective communication, motivation, team spirit etc. are some of the functional behaviors which the leader shall possess in order to become successful. Situational Theories: this theory states that the leadership in an organization is affected by the situation from which the leader arises and circumstances in which they work. Further, it can be stated as situational leadership is practiced according to the situation present in the environment, the leader works according to condition of the external and external market. In this method, the leader identifies the requirements of their team members and regulates methods which help the followers to fulfill their wants. Further, the situational theory states that there is no particular style or approach to leadership but they highly depend on situations and change accordingly. Lastly, it shall be noted that according to Gunn (2009) all type of leadership is right and justifiable, but the 21st century leadership only states that the leader shall inherit skills and follow them in accordance to the market and workplace conditions. Causes of changes to leadership competencies Globalization: globalization gives a wider arena to organizations to compete with each other. Globalization influences complexities in the market due to which organizations loses it pace in environment. So, the best manager is the one who helps the team to move in the right direction even after facing complexities in the environments (Lounsbury et. al., 2016). Advancement in technology: with increasing technology, organizations are growing and gain competence, but it is becoming difficult manage such technologies, on the initial level companies adopt hi-tech technology but later it becomes difficult for them to make use of it effectively which results in destruction. Thus, in order to manger the workings of the organization, it became the need for the leader to develop competent skills and knowledge and excel in the market. Increase in competition: with the increase in competition, it has become difficult for organizations to sustain in the environment with regular business model. Resulting to which, it is the duty of the managers to initiate innovative activities in organization so as to cut competition and gain an identified image in the market (Davis 2013). Critical analysis the academic research on 21st century leadership Hays and Christoper (2012) state that 21st century leader should be the one who builds relationship in the social environment and develop understanding capabilities in team. The leaders need to encourage the staff and other members and initiate collaboration of all the activities towards achievement of goals of the organization. Guns (2009) expressed that transformational leadership helps in creating a contemporary external environment for the organization. It is important to make transformational changes and use innovations to develop extraordinary output for the company. Shared leadership is a concept on which Crevani et al. (2007) state that this concept of shared leadership alters the post-heroic era evolution with the collective development process of individuals. Further Greer (2013) gave a view that leadership should always be flexible and mold them according to the changing market conditions. Conclusion Thus in the limelight of above mentioned events, it shall be noted that 21st century leadership is not any style or approach to initiate leadership in the organization but it only expresses the ways in which an organization can achieve success with the help of possessing right competence and skills in the right situation. Further many literatures have been derived from 21st century leadership which talks about different ways of implementing leadership in the organization. The above mentioned task successfully delivers all the details about the 21t century leadership. References Antonakis, J. and Day, D.V. eds., 2017.The nature of leadership. 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